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Agustin 1744

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monograph, Madrid

Agustin 1744
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  9367
AuthorAuthor of the document. Antonio Agustin
TitleTitel of the book. Diálogos de medallas, inscriciones, y otras antiguedades. Ex Bibliotheca Anton. Augustini Archiepiscopi Tarraconen.
YearYear of the literature reference  1744
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution. Madrid 40° 25' 0.12" N, 3° 42' 12.89" W
TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.)  monograph
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.
CitationCitation text of reference Agustin, Antonio (1744), Diálogos de medallas, inscriciones, y otras antiguedades. Ex Bibliotheca Anton. Augustini Archiepiscopi Tarraconen, En la Oficina de Joseph Francisco Martinez Abad, Madrid.
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia,+inscripciones+y+otras+antig%C3%BCedades&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwii--X65oHqAhWC-aQKHZLHAw0Q6AEIUTAE#v=onepage&q=1744%20Dialogos%20de%20medallas%2C%20inscripciones%20y%20otras%20antig%C3%BCedades&f=false
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  Greek , Roman Republican , Roman , Roman Provincial
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence Spanish


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Currently no Document has been found.

RemarksRemarks regarding the annotation. (en)

Reprint of the 1587 edition. (en)


  1. ^ Agustin 1744*