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Esprit-Marie Cousinéry - Domenico Sestini - 1795-11-17

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Esprit-Marie Cousinéry, Izmir

Esprit-Marie Cousinéry - Domenico Sestini - 1795-11-17
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  3116
InstitutionName of Institution. Florence, Biblioteca degli Uffizi
InventoryInventory number. MS 64/II/16, f. 428r
AuthorAuthor of the document. Esprit-Marie Cousinéry
RecipientRecipient of the correspondence. Domenico Sestini
Correspondence dateDate when the correspondence was written: day - month - year . November 17, 1795
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution. Izmir 38° 25' 20.82" N, 27° 7' 51.85" E
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation. Joseph Eckhel
LiteratureReference to literature. Eckhel 17921, Williams 20192, Missere Fontana 2022, p. 537, note 1333
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  Catalogue , Forgeries
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence French
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Grand documentOriginal passage from the "Grand document".

-Lettre du 17 novembre 1795 (de Smyrne): remerciements pour l'envoi de la Doctrina; “Je ne puis vous envoyer copie du catalogue que j’ay adressé a l’Abbe Eckhel qui me le demande mais vous aves ci-joint sur 3 colonnes le precis de ce catalogue. Sa 1ere colonne contient les fausses, la 2de les legitimes, la 3me celles qui manquent” Florence, BU, MS 64/II/16, f. 428r: Williams 2019; Missere Fontana 2022, p. 537, note 133).


  1. ^  Eckhel, Joseph (1792), Doctrina numorum veterum, I, Joseph Vincent Degen, Vienna.
  2. ^  Williams, D. (2019), "Osman Bey of Constantinople: a late 18th century forger of ancient coins”, Revue numismatique, 176, pp. 361-383.
  3. ^  Missere Fontana, Federica (2022), "Viaggiatori instancabili: Sestini critico di Eckhel", in B. Woytek and D. Williams (eds.), Ars critica numaria Joseph Eckhel (1737–1798) and the Transformation of Ancient Numismatics, Wien, 2022, p. 525-582.