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Gisbert Cuper - Jean Le Clerc - 1705-2-18

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Gisbert Cuper, Deventer

Gisbert Cuper - Jean Le Clerc - 1705-2-18
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  3932
InstitutionName of Institution.
InventoryInventory number.
AuthorAuthor of the document. Gisbert Cuper
RecipientRecipient of the correspondence. Jean Le Clerc
Correspondence dateDate when the correspondence was written: day - month - year . February 18, 1705
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution. Deventer 52° 14' 57.37" N, 6° 10' 34.07" E
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation. Otto Sperling, Lorenz Beger, Jacob Rhenferd
LiteratureReference to literature. Beger 1692, p. 511, Sperling 17002, Cuper 1743, p. 359-3603
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  Letters , Paleography , Punic
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence Latin
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Grand documentOriginal passage from the "Grand document".

-Lettre du 18 févr. 1705 (de Déventer) : « Utinam explicare posses nummum meum, in quo celeberrimus Rhenferdus putabat Hiempsalis nomen scriptum esse ! post dubitationem tuam magna spe, imo et laetitia excidi, sed spero te eam mihi redditurum, ubi aciem ingenii tui intenderis, et ostenderis, namque potes, qui sibi hae punicae litterae velint. Nihil adhuc a Sperlingio accepi ; et si runicae vel celticae litterae nummis illis sunt inscriptae, magna me spes tenet, virum septentrionalium antiquitatum peritum imprimis liquid musici nobis exhibiturum quod simula ac accepero, mittm ad amicum nostrum, qui proculdubio omne illud, quidquid est, tecum communicabit » ; « Legi ante paucos dies aliud agendo apud praestantia ingenii virum, Laur. Begerum p. 51 Spicilegii haec verba [citation non numismatique de Beger] (Cuper 1743, p. 359-360).


  1. ^  Beger, Lorenz (1692), Spicilegium antiquitatis sive variarum Ex Antiquitate elegantiarum vel Novis luminibus illustratarum vel Recens etiam editarum, typis Ulrici Liebperti, Coloniæ Brandenburgicæ (Berlin).
  2. ^ Sperling 1700 
  3. ^  Cuper, Gisbert (1743), Lettres de Critique, de Litterature, d'Histoire, &c. ecrites a divers savans de l’Europe [...] publiées sur les originaux par Monsieur de B**, chez J. Wetstein, Amsterdam.