'I have in a collection of medals \& coins/ of abt 25000 many punic, Colonie pieces of the Romans, & coins of the ancient & later Kings of Spain. So that unlesse I had a particular acct of what you have ’tis likely I may have them already as I formerly wrote to you. The coins above mentioned are very scarce & chiefly taken notice of by \two Authors \wch/ I have viz./Lastanossa & Bary the one \of/ whom wrote in Spanish the other in Latin. If there be any thing besides what is in Aldrete I should be glad to know ... Some of these coins I have had interpreted by a native of the inward parts of Africa a black Mahometan priest who had great knowledge of the ancient as well as modern Arabick.' (British Library, Sloane MS 4068, f.275; Delbourgo 2017, p. 255; Burnett 2020b, p. 667)