'I am glad you have been so successful in your collection of Roman medals. Mr. Parker of Carleton had a considerable number, which I have seen, and several of them found in this country. Some he bought of Mr. Brearcliffe's heire, an Apothecary in Hallifax; but whose hands they fel into, I cannot tel: my uncle, Hopkinson, had alsoe a collection of this kind, which Mr. Rookes had; but how they are disposed of I know not. I have now by me a fewe of our English cojnis since the Conquest, and one or two of William the Conqueror, which are counted very scarce: if you collect any thing in this way, they are at your service.' (Turner 1835, pp. 359-61, letter 144; Burnett 2020b, pp. 708 n. 66, 710 n. 79, 714 n. 115, 732, 900 n. 141)