'Monasteria, templa, bibliothecas, vetustos et libros et nummos, quibus ego domum reversus antiquissimis et elegantissimis te donabo, urbium mores, disciplinam, et situs, structuras, muros, vires, portus, et omnes circumcirca terrarum, aquarum opportunitates sic perlustro ...
Vidi quoque vetustos nummos elegantissimos; emi duos, Neronem et Augustum. Vidi quoque vetustum Hebraicum nummum aureum elegantem elegantissimis literis hebraicis: emissem, si in pretio fuisset ullus modus.'
[Monasteries, temples, libraries, old books and coins (when I return home, I shall give you the most elegant and ancient ones), the customs of cities, their government, their layouts, structures, walls, resources, ports, and all the good qualities of the surrounding land and water—all these I shall describe in such a way ...
[at Günzburg] I also saw very fine old coins; I bought two, a Nero and an Augustus. I also saw a fine ancient Hebrew gold piece, with very fine Hebrew lettering. I would have bought it if the price had been reasonable.]
(Giles 1865-1866, vol. I.2, p. 217; Burnett 2020b, p. 1356)