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Literature > Author : Andreas Morell or Lesley Murdin or Pïera Bocci Pacini

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Showing below up to 10 results in range #1 to #10.

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LiteratureAuthorAuthor of the document.TitleTitel of the book.YearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.LanguageLanguage of the correspondence
Bocci Pacini - Gambaro 2011Pïera Bocci Pacini
Clara Gambaro
Numorum imagines circumdatae sunt armis et tropaeis et aquilis adornatum: Antonio Cocchi inventaria le monete degli Uffiizi con le incisioni del Piccini al mano2011journalRomeAntonio Celestino CocchiItalian
Bocci Pacini 2004Pïera Bocci PaciniAntonio Cocchi e il 'Grand Tour'2004journalFlorenceAntonio Celestino CocchiItalian
Bocci Pacini 2008Pïera Bocci PaciniAntonio Cocchi tra libri e monete2008journalFlorenceAntonio Celestino CocchiItalian
Forbes - Murdin - Wilmoth 1997Eric Gray Forbes
Lesley Murdin
Francis Wilmoth
The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, The First Astronomer Royal. Volume 2: 1682-17031997monographBristolJohn FlamsteedEnglish
Morell 1683Andreas MorellSpecimen universae rei nummariae antiquae, quod literatorum Reipublicae1683monographParisLatin
Morell 1695Andreas MorellUniversae rei nummariae antiquae quod litteratorum reipublicae1695monographLeipzigAnton Günther von Schwarzburg-ArnstadtLatin
Morell 1701Andreas MorellDe nummis consularibus. Epistola ad virum clarissimum Jacobum Perizonium1701monographJakob PerizoniusLatin
Morell 1702aAndreas MorellLettre écrite à Monsieur le Chevalier Fountaine, par André Morel. pour servir de réponse à un extrait de lettre, que le Journal de Paris dit avoir été écrite au dit Morel par M. Galland, Antiquaire de Monsieur Foucault, Intendant du Roi en Normandie1702monographArnstadtAntoine Galland
Nicolas-Joseph Foucault
Andrew Fountaine
Morell 1702bAndreas MorellLettre d'Andre Morelli. Touchant les Medailles consulaires. Au tres Illustre Jaques Perizonius. Latin & François1702monographAmsterdamJakob PerizoniusFrench
Morell 1734Andreas MorellThesaurus Morellianus, sive, Familiarum Romanarum numismata omnia: diligentissime undique conquisita, ad ipsorum nummorum fidem accuratissime delineata & iuxta ordinem Fulvii Ursini & Caroli Patini disposita1734monographAmsterdamFulvio Orsini
Charles Patin
Siwart Haverkamp

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