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Literature > Author : Charles de Valois or Joseph Eckhel or Rosemarie Mulcahy

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Showing below up to 17 results in range #1 to #17.

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LiteratureAuthorAuthor of the document.TitleTitel of the book.YearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.LanguageLanguage of the correspondence
Eckhel - Steinbüchel 1826Joseph Eckhel
Anton von Steinbüchel
Addenda ad Eckhelii Doctrinam Numorum Veterum ex eiusdem autographo postumo1826monographViennaLatin
Eckhel 1775Joseph EckhelNumi veteres anecdoti ex Museis Caesareo Vindobonensi, Florentino Magni Ducis Etruriae, Granelliano nunc Caesareo, Vitzaiano, Festeticsiano, Savorgnano Veneto, aliisque1775monographViennaAntonio Savorgnan
Carlo Granelli
Eckhel 1779 vol. 1Joseph EckhelCatalogus musei caesarei Vindobonensis numorum veterum distributus in partes II quarum prior monetam urbium, populorum, regum, altera romanorum complectitur, pars I1779catalogueViennaMaria Theresia von HabsburgLatin
Eckhel 1779 vol. 2Joseph EckhelCatalogus musei caesarei Vindobonensis numorum veterum distributus in partes II quarum prior monetam urbium, populorum, regum, altera romanorum complectitur, pars II1779catalogueViennaMaria Theresia von HabsburgLatin
Eckhel 1781Joseph EckhelMusei Franciani descriptio. 1, Comprehendens numismata et gemmas1781catalogueLeipzigJoseph de FranceLatin
Eckhel 1786Joseph EckhelDescriptio numorum Antiochiae Syriae sive specimen Artis criticae numariae1786monographViennaLatin
Eckhel 1786bJoseph EckhelSylloge I. Numorum veterum anecdotorum thesauri Caesarei1786catalogueViennaLatin
Eckhel 1787Joseph EckhelKurzgefaßte Anfangsgründe zur alten Numismatik1787monographViennaGerman
Eckhel 1788Joseph EckhelChoix des pierres gravées du cabinet imperial des antiques1788monograph
Eckhel 1792Joseph EckhelDoctrina numorum veterum I1792monographViennaLatin
Eckhel 1794Joseph EckhelDoctrina numorum veterum II1794monographViennaLatin
Eckhel 1796Joseph EckhelDoctrina numorum veterum VI1796monographViennaLatin
Eckhel 1797Joseph EckhelDoctrina numorum veterum VII1797monographViennaLatin
Eckhel 1798Joseph EckhelDoctrina numorum veterum VIII1798monographViennaLatin
Mulcahy 2002Rosemarie MulcahyEnea Vico’s proposed Triumphs of Charles V2002journalLondonEnea VicoEnglish
Valois 1717Charles de ValoisDiscours dans lequel on prétend faire voir que les médailles qui portent pour légende, FL. CL. CONSTANTINUS JUN. N. C. n'appartiennent point à Constantin le jeune, fils de Constantin le Grand1717journalParisAntoine Galland
Jean Hardouin
Jacopo Strada
Ezechiel Spanheim
Jean Tristan de Saint-Amant
Henri de Valois
Valois 1718Charles de ValoisDes Néocores1718journalThe HagueFrench

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