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Literature > Author : Dirk Jacob Jansen or Erasmus Fröhlich or Siwart Haverkamp

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LiteratureAuthorAuthor of the document.TitleTitel of the book.YearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.LanguageLanguage of the correspondence
Debiel - Frölich 1733Ludwig Debiel
Erasmus Fröhlich
Utilitas rei numariæ veteris, compendio proposita. Accedit appendicula ad numos coloniarum per Cl. Vaillantium editos, e cimeliarchio Vindobonensi [...]1733monographViennaJean Foy-VaillantLatin
Debiel - Frölich 1734Ludwig Debiel
Erasmus Fröhlich
Appendicula ad numos Augustorum, et Caesarum, ab urbibus græce loquentibus cusos, quos Cl. Vaillantius collegerat, Concinnata e cimelio Vindobonensi Cujusdam e Societate Jesu [...]1734monographViennaJean Foy-VaillantLatin
Frölich 1736Erasmus FröhlichDissertatio de numis monetariorum veterum culpa vitiosis1736monographViennaSebastian KayserLatin
Frölich 1737Erasmus FröhlichQuatuor tentamina in re numaria vetere1737monographViennaLatin
Frölich 1738Erasmus FröhlichAnimadversiones in quosdam numos veteres urbium1738monographViennaLatin
Frölich 1744Erasmus FröhlichAnnales compendiarii regum & rerum Syriae1744monographViennaLatin
Frölich 1754Erasmus FröhlichAd numismata regum veterum anecdota aut rariora accessio nova conscripta1754monographViennaLatin
Frölich 1754bErasmus FröhlichDubia de Minnisari aliorumque Armeniae Regum numis et Arsacidarum epocha nuper vulgatis proposita1754monographViennaLatin
Frölich 1758Erasmus FröhlichNotitia elementaris numismatum antiquorum illorum quae urbium liberarum regum et principum ac personarum illustrium appellantur1758monographViennaLatin
Frölich 1762Erasmus FröhlichDe familia Vaballathi numis inlustrata opusculum postumum [...] curante Iosepho Khell [...]1762monographViennaJoseph Khell von KhellburgLatin
Haverkamp 1722Siwart HaverkampDissertationes de Alexandri Magni Numismate1722monographLeidenLatin
Haverkamp 1739Siwart HaverkampAlgemeene histori der zaaken in Asie, Afrike en Europe, en in derzelver koningryken, landschappen, staaten en steden, zedert het ophouden der fabel-eeuw, tot op de heerschappy van Karel den Grooten, en tot den tyd, doorgaan de Middel-Eeuwe genaamd, voorgevallen. Derde deel, behelzende de histori der ryken en landschappen van Asie, en voornaamelijk van Popntus, Kappadokie, Bithynie, Pergamus, Galatie, Karie, Paphlagonie, Kilikie, Arabie, Syrie, Kommagene, enz. Uit de overgebelevene werken der oude schryveren saamgesteld, en met duizenden historipenningen verrykt en opgeheldert1739monographThe HagueDutch
Haverkamp 1740Siwart HaverkampMuseum Wildianum in duas partes divisum, complectitur pars prima numismata antiqua, comprehendit pars secunda statuas et gemmas antiquas etc1740catalogueAmsterdamJacob de WildeLatin
Haverkamp 1741Siwart HaverkampMuseum Uilenbroekianum1741catalogueAmsterdamGosuinus UilenbroekLatin
Haverkamp 1742Siwart HaverkampMédailles de grand et moyen bronze du cabinet de la reine Christine, frappées, tant par ordre du Sénat, que par les colonies romaines, et par les villes grecques, gravées aussi délicatement, qu’exactement d’après les originaux, par le célèbre Pietro Santes Bartolo1742catalogueThe HagueChristina of Sweden
Pietro Santi Bartoli
Heenes - Jansen 2022Volker Heenes
Dirk Jacob Jansen
Jacopo Strada's Magnum Ac Novum Opus, A Sixteenth-Century Corpus of Ancient Numismatics2022monographPetersbergJacopo StradaEnglish
Jansen 1982Dirk Jacob JansenJacopo Strada (1515-1588): 'Antiquario della Sacra Cesarea Maestà1982journalLeidenJacopo StradaDutch
Jansen 1987Dirk Jacob JansenJacopo Strada et le commerce d’art1987journalParisJacopo StradaFrench
Jansen 1991Dirk Jacob JansenJacopo Strada's Antiquarian Interests: A Survey of his Musaeum and its Purpose1991journalMilanJacopo StradaEnglish
Jansen 1992Dirk Jacob JansenThe Instruments of Patronage: Jacopo Strada at the Court of Maximilian II. A Case Study1992collective bookMunichJacopo Strada
Maximilian II von Habsburg
Jansen 1993Dirk Jacob JansenAntonio Agustín and Jacopo Strada1993proceedingsLondonAntonio Agustin
Jacopo Strada
Jansen 1996Dirk Jacob JansenStrada, Jacopo1996dictionaryNew YorkJacopo StradaEnglish
Jansen 2015Dirk Jacob Jansen'Urbanissime Strada'; Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court2015phdLeidenJacopo StradaEnglish
Jansen 2019Dirk Jacob JansenJacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at The Imperial Court. The Antique as Innovation2019monographLeidenJacopo StradaEnglish

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