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Literature > Author : Edith Specht or Levinus Hulsius or Louis-François de Fontenu

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Showing below up to 5 results in range #1 to #5.

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LiteratureAuthorAuthor of the document.TitleTitel of the book.YearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.LanguageLanguage of the correspondence
Fontenu 1736Louis-François de FontenuDissertation sur une médaille de Gordien-Pie, et sur l'histoire de la ville de Sinope, où cette Medaille a esté frappée1736journalParisFrench
Hulsius 1599Levinus HulsiusXII primorum Caesarum et LXIIII ipsorum uxorum et parentum ex antiquis numismatibus, in aere incisae effigies, atque eorumdem... vitae... per Levinum Hulsium1599monographSpeyerLatin
Hulsius 1603Levinus HulsiusImpp. Romanorum numismatum series a C. Iulio Caesare ad Rudolphum II. Addita est breviter ipsorum vita, aversa pars nummorum, & eorundem explication per Levinum Hulsium1603monographFrankfurt am MainLatin
Hulsius 1605Levinus HulsiusImpp. Romanorum numismatum series a C. Iulio Caesare ad Rudolphum II. Addita est breviter ipsorum vita, aversa pars nummorum, & eorundem explication per Levinum Hulsium, 2nd ed1605monographFrankfurt am MainLatin
Specht 2005Edith SpechtDie Geschichteder numismatischen Lehre an der Universität Wien2005journalViennaGerman

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