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Literature > Author : Girolamo Aleandro or John Henry Hessels or Patrick Latour

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LiteratureAuthorAuthor of the document.TitleTitel of the book.YearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.LanguageLanguage of the correspondence
Aleandro 1617Girolamo AleandroAntiquae tabulae marmoreae solis effigie, symbolisque exculptae accurata explicatio1617monographParisLatin
Hessels 1887John Henry HesselsAbrahami Ortelii (geographi Antverpiensis) et virorum eruditorum ad eundem et ad Jacobum Colium Ortelianum (Abraham Ortelii sororis filium) epistulae cum aliquot aliis epistulis et tractatibus quibusdam ab utroque collectis (1524-1628) ex autographis mandante ecclesia Londino-Batava1887journalCambridgeAbraham Ortelius
Fulvio Orsini
Hubert Goltzius
Jacob Cool
Nicolaas Rockox
Latour 2009Patrick LatourAntiquité, Lumières et Révolution. L'abbé Leblond (1738-1809) « Second fondateur de la Bibliothèque Mazarine »2009catalogueParisGaspard MichelFrench

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