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Literature > Place : Nürnberg or The Hague &Language: Latin

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Showing below up to 16 results in range #1 to #16.

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LiteratureAuthorAuthor of the document.TitleTitel of the book.YearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.LanguageLanguage of the correspondence
Chifflet 1716Claude ChiffletDe antiquo numismate liber posthumus. Ex editione altera correctiore1716journalThe HagueAlbert-Henri De SallengreLatin
Cuper 1719Gisbert CuperDe elephantis in nummis obviis, Exercitationes duae nunc primum editæ1719monographThe HagueLatin
Cuper 1724Gisbert CuperDe elephantis in nummis obviis1724collective bookThe HagueAlbert-Henri De SallengreLatin
De Sallengre 1716 vol. 1Albert-Henri De SallengreNovus thesaurus antiquitatum romanarum [...] tomus primus1716collective bookThe HagueEnrico Noris
Claude Chifflet
De Sallengre 1718 vol. 2Albert-Henri De SallengreNovus thesaurus antiquitatum romanarum [...] tomus secundus1718collective bookThe HaguePaul PetauLatin
De Sallengre 1724 vol. 3Albert-Henri De SallengreNovus thesaurus antiquitatum romanarum [...] tomus tertius1724collective bookThe HagueGisbert CuperLatin
Gori 1770Antonio Francesco GoriAntiquitates Etruscae a viro amplissimo doctissimoque Antonio Francisco Gorio [...]1770monographNürnbergNicolaus SchwebelLatin
Noris 1716Enrico NorisDe duobus nummis Diocletiani et Licinii Ex Cimeliis Sereniss. ac Reverendiss. Principis Leopoldi Cardinalis Medicei, dissertatio duplex. Cum Auctario Chronologico Imperatorum ac Caesarum1716collective bookThe HagueAlbert-Henri De SallengreLatin
Petau 1718Paul PetauPauli Petavii, in Francorum curia consiliarii, Antiquariae Suppellectilis Portiuncula: nec non eiusdem veterum nummorum ΓΝΩΡΙCMA1718collective bookThe HagueAlbert-Henri De SallengreLatin
Rasche 1777Johann Christoph RascheLexicon abruptionum quae in numismatibus Romanorum occurrunt studiosae iuventuti ad explicandos numos adornatum variisque observationibus illustratum1777monographNürnbergLatin
Uhl 1760 vol. 1 books I-IIJohann Ludwig UhlSylloge nova epistolarum varii argumenti, volumen I. Libros IIII. priores continens1760monographNürnbergLatin
Uhl 1760 vol. 1 books III-IVJohann Ludwig UhlSylloge nova epistolarum varii argumenti1760monographNürnbergLatin
Uhl 1761 vol. 2 books V-VIJohann Ludwig UhlSylloge nova epistolarum varii argumenti, volumen II, in quo libri V et VI1761monographNürnbergLatin
Uhl 1761 vol. 3 books VII-VIIIJohann Ludwig UhlSylloge nova epistolarum varii argumenti, volumen III, in quo libri VII & VIII [...]1761monographNürnbergLatin
Uhl 1764 vol. 4 books IX-XJohann Ludwig UhlSylloge nova epistolarum varii argumenti, volumen IIII, in quo libri IX et X1764monographNürnbergGisbert Cuper
Ezechiel Spanheim
Uhl 1769 vol. 5 book XIJohann Ludwig UhlSylloge nova epistolarum varii argumenti, volumen V, in quo liber XI1769monographNürnbergLatin

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