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LiteratureAuthorAuthor of the document.TitleTitel of the book.YearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.LanguageLanguage of the correspondence
Aghion 2002Irène AghionCollecting antiquities in eighteenth-century France2002journalOxfordJean-Jacques BarthélemyEnglish
Allen et al. 1906-1958Percy Stafford Allen
Helen Mary Allen
Heathcote William Garrod
Opus epistolarum Des. Erasmi RoterodamimonographOxfordDesiderius ErasmusLatin
Arnold 1992Paul ArnoldJohann Gottfried Richters Entwurf „Wie ein Müntz Cabinet in gehöriger Ordnung zu rangiren“. Ein Beitrag zur Sammlungsgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts1992festschriftStockholmJohann Gottfried RichterGerman
Barbour 2013Reid BarbourSir Thomas Browne. A Life2013monographOxfordThomas BrowneEnglish
Berghaus 1992Peter BerghausAuctor damnatus – opus permissum1992collective bookStockholmJohann HüttichGerman
Borlase 1754William BorlaseObservations on the Antiquities Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall. Consisting of Several Essays on the First Inhabitants, Druid-Superstition, Customs, And Remains of the Most Remote Antiquity, In Britain, and the British Isles: Exemplify'd and prov'd by Monuments now Extant in Cornwall and the Scilly Islands, Faithfully drawn on the Spot, and Engrav'd according to their Scales annex'd. With a summary of the Religious, Civil, and Military State of Cornwall before the Norman Conquest; Illustrated by the Plans and Elevations of several Ancient Castles, An Eastern View of the Monastery and Site of St. Michael's Mount: And a Vocabulary of the Cornu-British Language1754monographOxfordEnglish
Brenner 1691 vol. 1Elias BrennerThesaurus nummorum Sueo-gothicorum, primus liber continet Regum Sveciæ atque gubernatorum regni nummos a Rege BIÖRN, qui regnavit Anno Christi 818. usque ad Gustavum I. qui regnare incæpit Anno 15211691monographStockholmLatin
Brenner 1691 vol. 2Elias BrennerThesaurus nummorum Sueo-gothicorum, liber secundus continet Regum & Principum Sveciæ Numismata Symbolica diversasque Monetæ species ex Auro, Argento, et Ære, A temporibus Gustavi Primi Ad imperantem hodie Serenissimum Regem Carolum XI.1691monographStockholmLatin
Brenner 1731Elias BrennerThesaurus nummorum Sueo-gothicorum, studio indefesso Eliæ Brenneri [...] cum commentatione in apricum prolatus [...]1731monographStockholmNicolas KederLatin
Burnett 2017-2018Andrew M. Burnett‘The Roman Collection at Christ-Church’: early coin catalogues2017journalOxfordEnglish
Burnett 2021Andrew M. BurnettCoins and Winckelmann. Winckelmann and coin2021journalOxfordJoseph Eckhel
Barclay V. Head
Cellini 2001Giuseppina Alessandra CelliniNotizie di rinvenimenti monetali a Roma nel XVI e XVII secolo2001journalLuganoItalian
Christiansen 1992Erik ChristiansenThe Alexandrian Coins before Zoëga1992collective bookStockholmGeorg ZoëgaEnglish
Clark 1891Andrew ClarkThe Life and Times of Anthony Wood, Vol. 11891monographOxfordAnthony WoodEnglish
Clark 1892Andrew ClarkThe Life and Times of Anthony Wood, Vol. 21892monographOxfordAnthony WoodEnglish
Connell 2009bDavid ConnellRecently identified at Burton Constable Hall. The collection of William Dugood FRS - jeweller, scientist,freemason and spy2009journalOxfordWilliam DugoodEnglish
Cunnally 1994John CunnallyAncient Coins as Gifts and Tokens of Friendship during the Renaissance1994journalOxfordEnglish
Cunnally 2006John CunnallyIl manoscritto numismatico cinquecentesco nella Houghton Library di Harvard: un ricordo della collezione di Andrea Loredan?2006journalLuganoAndrea LoredanItalian
Dall'Aglio 2020Stefano Dall'AglioThe great collector and his man in Rome: Leopoldo de Medici and his letters to Ottavio Falconieri, 1662-752020journalOxfordLeopoldo de' Medici
Ottavio Falconieri
De Beer 1955Esmond Samuel De BeerThe Diary of John Evelyn1955monographOxfordJohn EvelynEnglish
De Beer 1976-1989Esmond Samuel De BeerThe Correspondence of John LockemonographOxfordJohn LockeEnglish
De Lisle - Myers 2019Gerard de Lisle
Robin Myers
Two Huguenot Brothers: letters of Andrew and James Coltée Ducarel, 1732–17732019monographOxfordAndrew Coltée DucarelEnglish
Dodwell 1692Henry DodwellPrælectiones academicæ In Schola Historices Camdeniana1692monographOxfordLatin
Fountaine 1705Andrew FountaineNumismata Anglo-Saxonica & Anglo-Danica breviter illustrata1705monographOxfordEnglish
Giard 1985Jean-Baptiste GiardLes Jeux de l'imitation: fraude ou nécessité1985journalLuganoFrench
Giard 1989Jean-Baptiste GiardValentin Jamerey-Duval : un numismate exemplaire du XVIIIe siècle1989journalLuganoValentin Jamerey-DuvalFrench
Giard 1991Jean-Baptiste GiardL'image d'Alexandre le Grand à la Renaissance1991journalLuganoFrench
Giard 1994Jean-Baptiste GiardL'édition numismatique au XVIIe siècle1994journalLuganoFrench
Giard 1996Jean-Baptiste GiardCollectionneurs et savants nurnismates a la Renaissance1996journalLuganoFrench
Giard 2004Jean-Baptiste GiardLa nurnismatique à la Renaissance, fondements érudits et imagination2004journalLuganoFrench
Gołyźniak 2023aPawel GołyźniakHieronymus Odam, engraved gems and antiquarianism2023journalStockholmPhilipp von Stosch
Hieronymus Odam
Gołyźniak 2023bPawel GołyźniakFrom Stosch through Carafa to Hamilton and the British Museum. Provenance and study of some Egyptian scarabs and Near Eastern cylinder seals in the eighteenth century2023journalOxfordPhilipp von Stosch
Johann Joachim Winckelmann
Graham 1941Walter GrahamThe Letters of Joseph Addison1941monographOxfordJoseph AddisonEnglish
Grundy 2001Isobel GrundyLady Mary Wortley Montagu: Comet of the Enlightenment2001monographOxfordMary Wortley MontaguEnglish
Gunther 1945Robert T. GuntherLife and Letters of Edward Lhwyd1945monographOxfordEdward LhuydEnglish
Halsband 1977Robert HalsbandThe complete letters of Mary Wortley Montagu1977monographOxfordMary Wortley MontaguEnglish
Hearne 1720Thomas HearneA collection of curious discourses: written by eminent antiquaries upon several heads in our English antiquities1720monographOxfordEnglish
Hearne 1885Thomas HearneRemarks and CollectionsmonographOxfordEnglish
Hickes 1705George HickesAntiquae literaturae septentrionalis libri duo1705monographOxfordAndrew Fountaine
Humfrey Wanley
Jones - Holmes 1985Clyve Jones
Geoffrey Holmes
The London Diaries of William Nicolson, Bishop of Carlisle, 1702-17181985monographOxfordWilliam NicolsonEnglish
Josten 1966Conrad Hermann JostenElias Ashmole 1617-16921966monographOxfordElias AshmoleEnglish
Kusukawa 2017Sachiko KusukawaWilliam Courten’s lists of ‘Things Bought’ from the late seventeenth century2017journalOxfordWilliam CourtenEnglish
Madan 1895-1953Falconer MadanA summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at OxfordcatalogueOxfordEnglish
McCrory 1994Martha A. McCroryCoins at the court of Innsbruck and Florence. The numismatic cabinets of Archduke Ferdinand II of Tyrol and Grand Duke Francesco I de’ Medici1994journalOxfordFrancesco I de' Medici
Ferdinand II of Haly Roman Empire
Milne 1949J. Grafton MilneOxford coin-collectors of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries1949journalOxfordFrancis Wise
Thomas Bodley
Anthony Wood
John Barkham
Missere Fontana 1994Frederica Missere FontanaRaccolte numismatiche e scambi antiquari del secolo XVI. Enea Vico a Venezia1994journalLuganoEnea VicoItalian
Missere Fontana 1995bFrederica Missere FontanaI progetti di studio di un antiquario del Cinquecento. Enea Vico tra Venezia e Ferrara1995journalLuganoAntonio Agustin
Onofrio Panvinio
Pier Donato Cesi
Alfonso II d'Este
Missere Fontana 2003aFrederica Missere FontanaAppunti antiquari di Achille Stazio (1525-1581) in una copia del De Notis Romanorum di Marco Valerio Probo (1525) in Biblioteca Estense Universitaria di Modena2003journalLuganoAchille StazioItalian
Missere Fontana 2011Frederica Missere FontanaL’esercizio del collezionismo. Giovanni de Lazara ‘nummorum diligentissimus asservator’2011journalLuganoGiovanni de LazaraItalian
Missere Fontana 2012Frederica Missere FontanaAntiquari da pasticci : mercanti itineranti nei carteggi del Seicento2012journalLuganoPietro Andrea Andreini
Giuseppe Magnavacca
Ambrogio Besozzi
Missere Fontana 2013aFrederica Missere FontanaSebastiano Erizzo tra collezione, epistolario e riscrittura2013journalLuganoSebastiano ErizzoItalian
Missere Fontana 2014aFrederica Missere Fontana'Medaglie che a’ dilettanti sembrano mostri, per non averle più vedute, né osservate in alcun scrittore’. Gli acquisti del medico padovano Sebastiano Gussoni Giuliani2014journalLuganoSebastiano Gussoni GiulianiItalian
Missere Fontana 2014cFederica Missere Fontana"«Medaglie che a’ dilettanti sembrano mostri, per non averle più vedute, né osservate in alcun scrittore». Gli acquisti del medico padovano Sebastiano Gussoni Giuliani2014journalLuganoSebastiano Gussoni GiulianiItalian
Missere Fontana 2015Federica Missere FontanaLe monete rare di Rinaldo degli Albizzi (1651-1710) nella lettera erudita a Francesco Mezzabarba Birago2015journalLuganoFrancesco Mezzabarba Birago
Rinaldo degli Albizzi
Missere Fontana 2016aFederica Missere Fontana’Rinettare’ e valutare monete antiche da collezione tra Cinquecento e Settecento2016journalLuganoItalian
Missere Fontana 2018Federica Missere FontanaHans Memling ritrattista di Francesco d’Este (Ferrara, c. 1429-post 20 luglio 1486): un’identificazione per L’uomo con moneta romana2018journalLuganoFrancesco d'EsteItalian
Mørkholm 1982-1985Otto MorkholmA history of the study of Greek numismatics. 1780-19801982journalStockholmEnglish
Pointer 1724John PointerBritannia Romana, or, Roman Antiquities in Britain, viz., Coins, Camps, and Publick Roads1724monographOxfordEnglish
Sharpe 1979Kevin SharpeSir Robert Cotton 1586-16311979monographOxfordRobert Bruce CottonEnglish
Simonetta - Riva 1979Bono Simonetta
Renzo Riva
Aquiletta estense or aquiletta Gonzaga ?1979journalLuganoAlfonso II d'EsteItalian
Simonetta - Riva 1983Bono Simonetta
Renzo Riva
Ancora sull’aquiletta Gonzaga e non Estense1983journalLuganoAlfonso II d'EsteItalian
Sommerlad 1962Michael SommerladThe historical and antiquarian interests of Thomas Tanner, 1674-1735, Bishop of St. Asaph1962phdOxfordThomas TannerEnglish
Spier - Kagan 2000Jeffrey Spier
Jonathan Kagan
Sir Charles Frederick and the forgery of ancient coins in eighteenth-century Rome2000journalOxfordCharles FrederickEnglish
Stouraiti 2014Anastasia StouraitiCollecting the past: Greek antiquaries and archaeological knowledge in the Venetian empire2014collective bookOxfordNicolò BonEnglish
Sweet 2009Rosemary SweetRichard Gough: the man and the antiquary2009journalOxfordRichard GoughEnglish
Swinton 1750John SwintonInscriptiones citieae, sive in binas inscriptiones phoenicias, inter rudera Citii nuper repertas conjectura ; accedit de numis quibusdam samaritanis et phœniciis1750monographOxfordJean-Jacques BarthélemyLatin
Thwaites 1708Edward ThwaitesNotae in Anglo-Saxonum nummos1708monographOxfordAndrew FountaineLatin
Toomer 2011Gerald J. ToomerThe correspondence of John Selden (1584-1654)2011monographOxfordNicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
John Selden
Wanley 1989Humfrey WanleyLetters of Humfrey Wanley1989journalOxfordEnglish
Weiss 1969Robert WeissThe Renaissance discovery of classical antiquity1969monographOxfordFrancesco PetrarcaEnglish
Whiteley 1999J.L.L. WhiteleyPhilipp von Stosch, Bernard Picart and the Gemmae Antiquae Caelatae1999collective bookOxfordPhilipp von Stosch
Bernard Picart
Williams 1963Harold Herbert WilliamsThe Correspondence of Jonathan Swift1963monographOxfordJonathan SwiftEnglish
Williams 2020aDaniela WilliamsJoseph Eckhel (1737–1798) and the coin collection of Queen Christina of Sweden in Rome2020journalOxfordJoseph Eckhel
Christina of Sweden
Francesco Cameli
Giovanni Giacomo Monti
Wise 1736Francis WiseEpistola ad V. Cl. Ioannem Masson de nummo Abgari Regis1736letterOxfordJean Masson
Wise 1750Francis WiseNummorum antiquorum scriniis Bodleianis reconditorum catalogus cum commentario tabulis aeneis et appendice1750catalogueOxfordLatin
Woolf 2003Daniel WoolfThe Social Circulation of the Past. English Historical Culture 1500-17302003monographOxfordEnglish
Young 1633Patrick YoungClementis ad Corinthios epistola prior1633monographOxford

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