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William Courten - Henry Hare - 1694-05-19

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William Courten

William Courten - Henry Hare - 1694-05-19
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  15371
InstitutionName of Institution. London, British Library
InventoryInventory number. Sloane MS 3962, f.235
AuthorAuthor of the document. William Courten
RecipientRecipient of the correspondence. Henry Hare, 2nd Baron Coleraine
Correspondence dateDate when the correspondence was written: day - month - year . May 19, 1694
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation. Andreas Morell, Antonio Agustin, Charles Patin, Charles du Fresne, Hubert Goltzius, Jean Foy-Vaillant, Jean Tristan de Saint-Amant
LiteratureReference to literature. Foy-Vaillant 1674 vol. 11, Fresne 16802, Burnett 2020b, pp. 370, 372 n. 139, 7773
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  Books , Roman , Roman Imperial , Roman Republican , Numismatic Literature
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence English
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia 
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Grand documentOriginal passage from the "Grand document".

'Yor Lordshps Letter of the 11th Instant came to my hands but yesterday acquainting me that you have met with Vaillant’s Numismata Praestantiora which I am very glad of, it being a book very scarse at present and usefull – informing what medals are common and what rare so far as Postumus. As to Mr Morrell’s death I believe Yor Lordshp was misinformed since an acquaintance of his assured me but 3 days since that he was alive & well the latter end of last April. Monsr Patin indeed is lately dead & I suppose the mistake took its rise from thence. Since Yor Lordshp has not bought Du Fresne’s Familiae Byzantinae, Goltzius, Tristan, nor Antonius Augustinus if they are to be had at reasonable rates I shall procure get them. Yor Lordshps sudden departure out of town gave me not the opportunity of letting you know that I had met with severall medals consular and imperial which are all true & such as you want. I shall keep them by me till I have the honour of seeing Yor Lordshp Yor Lordshp comes next to town on Saturday.' (BL, Sloane MS 3962, f. 235; Burnett 2020b, pp. 370, 372)


  1. ^  Foy-Vaillant, Jean (1674), Numismata imperatorum Romanorum præstantiora, a Iulio Cæsare ad Postumum et tyrannos. Tomus primus. De Romanis æreis seu senatus consulto percussis, apud Robertum de Ninville et Iacobum Villery, Parisiis.
  2. ^  Du Fresne, Charles (1680), Historia byzantina, Ludovicum Billaine, . 2 vol. Paris.
  3. ^  Burnett, Andrew M. (2020), The Hidden Treasures of this Happy Land. A History of Numismatics in Britain from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, BNS Special Publ. No 14 = RNS Special Publ. No 58, London, Spink & Son.