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Wolfgang Lazius

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 * 1514/10/31 Vienna, † 1565/06/19, Vienna. Physician; Librarian; Historian; Professor; Cartographer; High official; antiquary

Correspondence of Wolfgang Lazius
Wolfgang Lazius
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  497
First nameFirst name(s) of the person. Wolfgang
Last nameLast name of the person. Lazius
Also known asAlternative names. Wolfgang Laz
WikidataIDWikidata ID Q685979
Birth dateBirth date: day - month - year. October 31, 1514 JL
Birth placePlace of birth of the person Vienna 48° 12' 30.06" N, 16° 22' 21.00" E
Death dateDeath date: day - month - year. June 19, 1565 JL
Death placePlace of death of the person Vienna 48° 12' 30.06" N, 16° 22' 21.00" E
KeywordKeywords for the person Physician , Librarian , Historian , Professor , Cartographer , High Official , Antiquary
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia Lazius
Wolfgang Lazius
Further imagesFurther images of the person. File:Lazius, Wolfgang (2).jpg, File:Lazius, Wolfgang 3.jpg, File:Lazius, Wolfgang 4+.jpg, File:Lazius, Wolfgang Arcimboldo.jpg, File:Lazius, Wolfgang 5.jpg, File:Lazius, Wolfgang 7.jpg

 CSV RDF/XML (Resource Description Framework) RDF

Further imagesFurther images of the person.
Lazius, Wolfgang (2).jpg
Lazius, Wolfgang 3.jpg
Lazius, Wolfgang 7.jpg
Lazius, Wolfgang 4+.jpg
Lazius, Wolfgang 5.jpg
Lazius, Wolfgang Arcimboldo.jpg
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Primary literatureYearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) TitleTitel of the book.
Lazius 15511551 JLmonographCommentariorum reipub. Romanae illius, in exteris prouincijs, bello acquisitis, constitutae, libri duodecim
Lazius 15581558 JLmonographCommentariorum vetustorum numismatum … specimen exile
Secondary literatureYearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) TitleTitel of the book.
Gessner 17381738monographNumismata regum Omnia quae Laboribus cell. Virorum Crophii, Lazii, Goltzii, Patini, Spanhemii, Harduini, Begeri, Wildii, Haymii, Liebii &c. Ex Regiis aliisque Numismatophylaziis hactenus edita sunt additis Ineditis & Nondum Descriptis quotquot comparare licuit Integra serie Historica Tabulis Aenei
Mayr 18941894monographWolfgang Lazius als Geschichtsschreiber Österreichs: ein Beiträg zur Historiographie des 16. Jahrhunderts. Mit Nachträgen zur Biographie
Mulsow 20222022proceedingsWie ordnet man die Antike? Das Programm einer Gesamtverzeichnung antiker Münzen von Lazius bis Eckhel

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