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Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach - Johann Albert Fabricius - 1714-8-13

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Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach

Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach - Johann Albert Fabricius - 1714-8-13
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  10699
InstitutionName of Institution.
InventoryInventory number.
AuthorAuthor of the document. Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach
RecipientRecipient of the correspondence. Johann Albert Fabricius
Correspondence dateDate when the correspondence was written: day - month - year . August 13, 1714
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation. Hendrik Van der Borght the Younger, Sebastiano Erizzo, Adolf Occo
LiteratureReference to literature. Occo 15791, Schelhorn 1753, p. 22-292, Burnett 2020b, p. 1441-1442.3
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  Books , Drawing
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence Latin
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Grand documentOriginal passage from the "Grand document".

-Lettre du 13 août 1714 (de): Non aegre seres, si te adhuc monero, errorem procul dubio a Typothetis commissum esse in ejus nomine, qui Livium meum manu sua condecoravit. Nam VAN DER BORCHT, non autem Bocht [footnote: In editione Hamburg. A. 1721. hic error jam emendatus est. De hoc vero insigni artifice conf. Joach. de SANDRART Academia artis pictoriae5 f. 301, ubi vocaretur Henricus van der Borch, vel Borchensis] nominabatur. Nec etiam is Electori Palatino Carolo Ludovico ab antiquitatibus fuit: sed filius ejus eodem nomine parique antiquitatum cognitione instructus. Pater autem Comiti ARUNDELIO antiquitatis studiossisimo familiaris fuit, ut ex sequenti inscriptione ejusdem effigiei a Filio depictae, atque ab ingeniossisimo W. Hollar aeri incisae, quam nuper forte fortuna nactus sum, subjecta intelligere poteris. HENRY VAN DER BORCHT. De Brusselles ou il naquit l’an 1583 d’ou il fut emmene en Allemagne par les troubles l’an 1586 & apres il at appris La peinture Chez Gilles de Valckenborgh; estant retourne d’Italie iI a demeure a Franckendael jusques en l’an 1627 qu’il est venu demeurer a Francfort au Palatinat estant aussi un amateur admirable de toute forte de raritez, & antiquitez ainsi que le Conte d’Arondell le Cherischoit pour les raritez6 & Curiositez qu’il auoit en de luy tant en Medalles que Peintures & autres sortes d’Antiquitez. Transcripsi haec, prout juxta veterem orthographiam, unaque cum commissis vitiis extant. Nummorum, quos summa dexteritate adjunxit Livio meo sunt DCCCCLXXXIII. Inscriptionum vero Graecarum ac Latinarum DXLII. Nec silentio praeterire possum, me tres alio libros ejusdem industria, similibusque ex antiquitate ornamentis illustratos possidere. Julium Caesarem nimirum, OCCONIS Numismata, & Itali cujusdam rarissimum opus Discorsi sopra le Medaglie Sebast. ERIZZO. Postremum insigni nummorum numero in Familiarum Romanarum honorem cusorum superbit. d. XIII Aug MDCCXIV. (Schelhorn 1753, p. 22-29; Burnett 2020b, p. 1441-1442).

RemarksRemarks regarding the annotation. (fr)

English translation by Andrew Burnett: [Do not take it ill, if I advise you that an error was made without any doubt by the typesetter in the name of the person, who decorated my Livy with his own hand. For he is called VAN DER BORCHT, not indeed Bocht [footnote: In the 1721 Hamburg edition, this mistake has been corrected. For this excellent artist, see Joachim de Sandrart’s Academy of Pictorial Art, f. 310, where he is called Henricus van der Borch, or Borchensis]. Nor indeed was he the antiquarian to Karl Ludwig, the Elector Palatine: but it was his son who had the same name and an equal understanding of antiquities. The father was a friend of the Earl of Arundel, who was most enthusiastic about antiquity, as you will be able to see from the following inscription, placed below the same man’s portrait, illustrated by the son, and engraved in copper by the most skilled Wenceslas Hollar, which I recently acquired by chance. … I have transcribed it, following the original orthography, and with the mistakes that were made. Of coins, which he with the greatest skill added to my Livy, there were 983; and of Greek and Latin inscriptions, 542. And I cannot pass over in silence, that I possess three other books illustrated by the same man’s work, and with similar images from antiquity. They are a Julius Caesar, Occo’s Coins, and the very rare work of a certain Italian, Discorso sopra le Medaglie by Sebastiano Erizzo. The last excels in the large number of coins struck in honour of the Roman Families. 13 August 1714. (fr)


  1. ^  Occo, Adolf (1579). Imperatorum Romanorum numismata a Pompeio Magno ad Heraclium: quibus insuper additae sunt inscriptiones quaedam veteres, arcus triumphales, et alia ad hanc rem necessaria. Antwerp: Christophe Plantin.
  2. ^  Schelhorn, Johann Georg (1753), Commercii epistolaris Uffenbaschiani selecta variis observationibus, vol. II, Ulm & Memmingen.
  3. ^  Burnett, Andrew M. (2020), The Hidden Treasures of this Happy Land. A History of Numismatics in Britain from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, BNS Special Publ. No 14 = RNS Special Publ. No 58, London, Spink & Son.