The "Citation reference" label was matched to at least one other property representation. Please consult the
help page on how to resolve this issue.
"Citation reference" is a predefined property of type . This property is pre-deployed (also known as
special property) and comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other
user-defined property.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Hessels 1887
+, Callataÿ 2017
+, Burnett 2020b
+Hessels 1887
+, Callataÿ 2017
+, Burnett 2020b
+Hessels 1887
+, Callataÿ 2017
+, Goltzius 1574 vol. 2
…Occo 1579
+, Hessels 1887
+, Burnett 2020b
+Ortelius 1573
+, Hessels 1887
+, Burnett 2020b
+Hessels 1887
+, Burnett 2020b
+Hessels 1887
+, Burnett 2020b
+Smith 1691
+, Burnett 2020b
+Callataÿ 2017
+, Hessels 1887
+, Langereis 2002
…Traversa 1992
+, Missere Fontana 1995
+Orville 1764
+, Sluis 2014
+Orville 1764
+, Sluis 2014
+Orville 1764
+, Sluis 2014
+Hessels 1887
+, Callataÿ 2017
+Hessels 1887
+, Callataÿ 2017
+, Occo 1579
…Hessels 1887
+, Callataÿ 2017
+, Lazius 1558