However, enquiry may be made whether the Biscainers have any books among them written in their most ancient Language[.] Medalls I know there are many, with barbarous Heads of these old Spaniards engraven on them, the Inscriptions being sometimes in Roman, & sometimes in strange Letters which are called Punic; but how truly I know not. One Lattanosa did about 40 or 50 years ago, print at Huesca a Collection of such medals (in 4to) taken from many of the best Cabinets in Spain. The Title of this book begin’s thus, Museo de las Medallas desconnoscidas Espanolas [1645]. I desire you, Sir, to buy this book if you can get it at a reasonable price, for here in England, I could never hear of any more than two of them. Upon Enquiry, you will easily meet with such Medals; if you do, be pleas’d to confer with any ingenious Spaniard, and try and pick out an Alphabet, or even any one word that you can be sure of. (Wanley 1989, pp. 154-61 Letter 75; Burnett 2020b, p. 1245)