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Showing 250 pages using this property.
Adolf Occo - Abraham Ortelius - 1598-5-4
Adolf Occo
Adolf Occo - Jacob Cool - 1599-2-6
Adolf Occo
Adriaan Reland - Antoine Galland - 1706-11-28
Adriaan Reland
Agard 1611
Antoine Agard
Aghion 2002
Irène Aghion
Agnethler 1746
Michael Gottlieb Agnethler
Agnethler 1750
Michael Gottlieb Agnethler
Agnethler 1750-1752
Michael Gottlieb Agnethler
Agostini 1649
Leonardo Agostini
Agostini 1657
Leonardo Agostini
Agostino Monanni - Leopoldo de' Medici - 1664-2-2
Agostino Monanni
Agostino Monanni - Leopoldo de' Medici - 1671-6-17
Agostino Monanni
Agostino Mosti - Abraham Ortelius - 1583-9-21
Agostino Mosti
Agricola 1533
Georgius Agricola
Agricola 1550
Georgius Agricola
Agricola 1550 by Ulisse Aldrovandi
Georgius Agricola
Aguilar 1999
Francisco Aguilar Piñal
Agustin - Orsini 1592
Antonio Agustin
Fulvio Orsini
Agustin 1587
Antonio Agustin
Agustin 1592
Antonio Agustin
Agustin 1592 by Hillebrant Jacobsz van Wouw
Antonio Agustin
Agustin 1617
Antonio Agustin
Agustin 1744
Antonio Agustin
Agustin 1772
Antonio Agustin
Agustin 1774
Antonio Agustin
Agustin, Antonio - Antonii Augustini Musei Antiquiora Numismata
Antonio Agustin
Agustin, Antonio - Suma de les monedes trobades a la llibreria de l'archebisbe de Tarragona Antoni Agustin
Antonio Agustin
Ainsworth 1719-1720
Robert Ainsworth
Ainsworth 1719-1720 by Thomas Birch
Robert Ainsworth
Albani, Alessandro - Observations sur les commentaire de M. l’abbé Vénuti sur les médailles de cardinal Albani
Alessandro Albani
Alberto Mazzoleni - Antonio Francesco Gori - 1740-2-15
Alberto Mazzoleni
Albertrandi 1799
Jan Chrzciciel Albertrandi
Albertrandi 1805
Jan Chrzciciel Albertrandi
Albertrandi, Jan Chrzciciel - Dactyliothecae... Stanislai Augusti gemmarumque cavo aut convexo opere insignium indiculus
Jan Chrzciciel Albertrandi
Alciati - Melanchthon 1530
Andrea Alciati
Philipp Melanchthon
Alciati 1608
Andrea Alciati
Alderete 1614
Bernardo de Alderete
Aldrovandi, Ulisse - Methodus de nummis percussis
Ulisse Aldrovandi
Aldrovandi, Ulisse - Vocabula pertinentia ad militiam, ad vasa, ad ornatum muliebrem, ad instrumenta rustica, ad aedificia, ad domus suppellectilem, ad rem nummariam
Ulisse Aldrovandi
Aleandro 1617
Girolamo Aleandro
Alessandro Albani - Wenzel Anton von Kaunitz-Rietberg - 1772-10-17
Alessandro Albani
Alessandro Bassi - Ferdinando I de' Medici - 1580-5-6
Alessandro Bassi
Alessandro Borgianni - Fulvio Orsini - 1598-3-20
Alessandro Borgianni
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1565-2-16
Alessandro de' Grandi
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1565-4-7
Alessandro de' Grandi
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1565-5-5
Alessandro de' Grandi
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1566-4-3
Alessandro de' Grandi
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1566-5-8
Alessandro de' Grandi
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1567-2-19
Alessandro de' Grandi
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1567-5-26
Alessandro de' Grandi
Alessandro de' Grandi - Alfonso II d'Este - 1568-3-31
Alessandro de' Grandi
Alessandro Gregorio Capponi - Antonio Francesco Gori - 1736-11-24
Alessandro Gregorio Capponi
Alessandro Gregorio Capponi - Antonio Francesco Gori - 1740-7-8
Alessandro Gregorio Capponi
Alessandro Gregorio Capponi - Antonio Francesco Gori - 1741-4-22
Alessandro Gregorio Capponi
Alessandro Gregorio Capponi - Antonio Francesco Gori - 1744-2-15
Alessandro Gregorio Capponi
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1703-12-24
Alexander Cunningham
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1704
Alexander Cunningham
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1704-09-13
Alexander Cunningham
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1704-10-30
Alexander Cunningham
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1705-10-15
Alexander Cunningham
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - 1706-02-20
Alexander Cunningham
Alexander Cunningham - Gisbert Cuper - undated
Alexander Cunningham
Alexander-Friedrich-Wilhelm von Seckendorff - Joseph Eckhel - 1788-7-28
Alexander-Friedrich-Wilhelm von Seckendorff
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Claude-Nicolas Chifflet - 1726-7-1
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Claude-Nicolas Chifflet - s.d.
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Henri-Joseph de Thomassin de Mazaugues - 1728-9-13
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Henri-Joseph de Thomassin de Mazaugues - 1742-11-10
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-Alphonse Turrettini - 1733-5-6
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-Bouhier - 1742-5-17
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1729-6-23
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1729-7-21
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1731-10-29
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1731-11-26
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1731-12-22
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1732-2-12
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1732-3-28
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1732-10-23
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Jean-François Séguier - 1737-4-10
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Joseph de Seytres de Caumont - 1734-3-4
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Joseph de Seytres de Caumont - 1734-3-29
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Joseph Pellerin - 1760-12-15
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel - Joseph Pellerin - 1761-2-23
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Alfonso Del Testa - Bianca Cappello - 1582-3-15
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1582-3-31
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1584-1-19
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1585-2-15
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1585-12-6
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1585-12-13
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1586-10-28
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1586-12-28
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1587-1-8
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1587-1-16
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1587-1-23
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1587-2-19
Alfonso Del Testa
Alfonso Del Testa - Francesco I de' Medici - 1587-3-27
Alfonso Del Testa
Algernon Seymour - William Stukeley - 1727-04-20
Algernon Seymour
Allen 1970
Derek F. Allen
Allen et al. 1906-1958
Percy Stafford Allen
Helen Mary Allen
Heathcote William Garrod
Allestry - Martyn - Oldenburg 1772
James Allestry
John Martyn
Henry Oldenburg
Allier de Hauteroche 1822
Louis Allier de Hauteroche
Almagro Gorbea 1999
Martin Almagro Gorbea
Alphonse de Rambervillers - Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc - 1620-9-8
Alphonse de Rambervillers
Alphonse de Rambervillers - Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc - 1620-9-18
Alphonse de Rambervillers
Alphonse de Rambervillers - Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc - 1620-9-30
Alphonse de Rambervillers
Alphonse de Rambervillers - Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc - 1620-10-30
Alphonse de Rambervillers
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1697-10-30
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1697-11-13
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-7-23
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-7-30
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-8-20
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-8-27
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-10-15
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1698-11-5
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1699-3-4
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1699-6-3
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1699-7-29
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1699-8-11
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1699-9-23
Ambrogio Besozzi
Ambrogio Besozzi - Giuseppe Magnavacca - 1705-10-21
Ambrogio Besozzi
Amendola 2010
Adriano Amendola
Amico 1741
Vito Maria Amico
Amiet 1883
Jakob Amiet
Ammonio, Taddeo - Descriptio Musei Tadaei Amonii Prioris Capituli S. Petronii - Bologna, Archivio di Stato - FMC, s. IV, b. 74/734
Gian Giacomo Amadei
Andrea Rubbi - Pietro Santi - 1795-2-21
Andrea Rubbi
Andrea Rubbi - Pietro Santi - 1795-7-11
Andrea Rubbi
Andrea Rubbi - Pietro Santi - 1796-1-19
Andrea Rubbi
Andrea Rubbi - Pietro Santi - 1796-4-4
Andrea Rubbi
Andrea Staurino - Leopoldo de' Medici - 1657-10-4
Andrea Staurino
Andreas Morell - Albert Baldinger - 1702-4-5
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Andrew Fountaine - 1702-1
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Andrew Fountaine - 1702-4-4
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Andrew Fountaine - 1702-5
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Andrew Fountaine - 1702-5-24
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Andrew Fountaine - 1702-9-20
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Charles-Joseph-Procope de Ligne - 1702-4-4
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Charles-Joseph-Procope de Ligne - 1702-5-18
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Charles-Joseph-Procope de Ligne - 1702-5-24
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Charles-Joseph-Procope de Ligne - 1702-6-15
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Charles-Joseph-Procope de Ligne - 1702-10-18
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Charles-Joseph-Procope de Ligne - 1703-1-5
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Claude Nicaise - 1697
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Enrico Noris - 1691
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1701-6-15
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1701-6-28
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1701-7-12
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1701-7-19
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1701-7-26
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1701-8-9
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1701-9-13
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1701-10-3
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1701-11-13
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Hans Sloane - 1699-12-18
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Luigi Ferdinando Marsili - 1702-2-22
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Nicolas Thoynard - 1688-7-27
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Nicolas Thoynard - 1688-9-29
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Nicolas Thoynard - 1690-10-13
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Nicolas Thoynard - 1694-3-26
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Nicolas Thoynard - 1694-7-6
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Nicolas Thoynard - 1694-8-26
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Nicolas Thoynard - 1695-1-29
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Nicolas Thoynard - 1696-7-6
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Nicolas Thoynard - 1696-11-11
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Nicolas Thoynard - 1697-2-28
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebasian Faesch - 1674-1-7
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1672-6-6
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1672-12
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1672-12-8
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1673
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1673-1-23
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1673-2-22
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1673-9-25
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1673-10-2
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1674-4-24
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1674-5-5
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1674-7-16
Andreas Morell
Andreas Morell - Sebastian Faesch - 1678-7-17
Andreas Morell
Andreas Schott - Abraham Ortelius - 1594-9-26
Andreas Schott
Andreasen - Ascani 2013
Karen Ascani
Øjvind Andreasen
Andreasen 1937
Øjvind Andreasen
Andreasen 1967
Øjvind Andreasen
Andreasen 2000
Øjvind Andreasen
Andrew Coltée Ducarel - John Foote - 1745-08-13
Andrew Coltée Ducarel
Andrew Coltée Ducarel - Philip Morant - 1754-12-24
Andrew Coltée Ducarel
Andrew Fountaine - Andreas Morell - 1701-1-11
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Andreas Morell - 1702-3-17
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Andreas Morell - 1702-4-22
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Andreas Morell - 1702-5-22
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Andreas Morell - 1702-9-8
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Edward Thwaites - 1701/1702-2-23
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1701-11-25
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1702-1-14
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1702-6-1
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1703-3-16
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1703-8-21
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1704-1-29
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Hans Sloane - 1703/4-01-20
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - John Covel - 1701-3-12
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - John Covel - 1701-7-9
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Peter Le Neve - ????-09-13
Andrew Fountaine
Andrew Fountaine - Thomas Hearne - 1709-4-21
Andrew Fountaine
André Barthélemy de Courçay - Joseph Eckhel - 1775-6-29
André Barthélemy de Courçay
André Barthélemy de Courçay - Joseph Eckhel - 1776-4-1
André Barthélemy de Courçay
André Barthélemy de Courçay - Jules-François Paré - 1793-5-21
André Barthélemy de Courçay
André Barthélemy de Courçay - Jules-François Paré - 1799-4-8
André Barthélemy de Courçay
André Barthélemy de Courçay - Pieter van Damme - 1777-8
André Barthélemy de Courçay
André Falconet - Charles Patin - 1661-4-15
André Falconet
André Falconet - Charles Patin - 1663-6-26
André Falconet
André Falconet - Charles Patin - 1664-9-5
André Falconet
André Michaux - André Thouin - 1782-7-30
André Michaux
Andrés 1782
Juan Andrés
Andrés 1786 vol. 1
Juan Andrés
Andrés 1790 vol. 3
Juan Andrés
Andrés 1791 vol. 2
Juan Andrés
Andrés 1793 vol. 4
Juan Andrés
Andrés 1793 vol. 5
Juan Andrés
Andrés 1804
Juan Andrés
Andrés González de Barcia - Pedro Leonardo de Villacevallos - 1726-7-14
Andrés González de Barcia
Angeli 1992
Monica Maria Angeli
Angelo Breventano - Abraham Ortelius - 1593-1-9
Angelo Breventano
Angelo Fabroni - Joseph Eckhel - 1797-1-29
Angelo Fabroni
Angelo Fabroni - Joseph Eckhel - 1797-7-8
Angelo Fabroni
Angelo Tavanti - Antonio Cocchi - 1749-1-22
Angelo Tavanti
Angelo Tavanti - Antonio Cocchi - 1749-2-4
Angelo Tavanti
Angelo Tavanti - Giuseppe Bencivenni Pelli - 1775-12-14
Angelo Tavanti
Angelo Tavanti - Giuseppe Bencivenni Pelli - 1776-1-15
Angelo Tavanti
Angeloni - Bellori 1685
Giovanni Pietro Bellori
Francesco Angeloni
Angeloni 1641
Francesco Angeloni
Angeloni 1811
Francesco Angeloni
Angeloni, Francesco - Memorie di ritrovamenti di varie antichità … di dentro e fuori di Roma, in diversi tempi
Francesco Angeloni
Angelos Vergikios - Elizabeth I of England - 1561-8-29
Angelos Vergikios
Angelos Vergikios - William Cecil - 1561-8-29
Angelos Vergikios
Anna Margaretha Schlegel - Johann Christian Olearius - 1724-2-16
Anna Margaretha Schlegel
Anna Margaretha Schlegel - Johann Christian Olearius - 1724-3-16
Anna Margaretha Schlegel
Anne D'Ewes - Humfrey Wanley - 1705-08-03
Anne D'Ewes
Anne Willem Carel van Nagell - François Hemsterhuis - 1789-5-15
Anne Willem Carel van Nagell
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1764-12-18
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1764-12-24
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1765-2-10
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1765-3-3
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1765-3-18
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1765-3-25
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1765-4-7
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1765-5
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1765-6-17
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1765-6-23
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1765-7-15
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Anne-Claude de Caylus - Paolo Maria Paciaudi - 1765-7-22
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Annibale Caro - Antonio Palmia - 1559-5-29
Annibale Caro
Annibale Caro - Costanzo Landi - 1557-11-20
Annibale Caro
Annibale Caro - Costanzo Landi - 1558-3-8
Annibale Caro
Document Properties