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Literature > Author : Herbert Koch or Other &Year: 2020 - 2029

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LiteratureAuthorAuthor of the document.TitleTitel of the book.YearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.LanguageLanguage of the correspondence
Asolati 2020Michele Asolati'… médailles curieuses …” Antoine Galland numismatico dai diari del periodo parigino2020journalLeuvenFrancesco de' Ficoroni
Anselmo Maria Banduri
Antoine Galland
Claude Gros de Boze
François de Camps
Awianowicz 2022Bartosz AwianowiczJakie kolekcje monet antycznych mogli widzieć podejmujący tematykę numizmatyczną autorzy z Gdańska i Torunia w drugiej połowie XVII i na początku XVIII w.? (What collections of ancient coins might have been seen by authors of numismatic works from Gdańsk and Toruń in the second half of the 17th and early 18th centuries)2022journalWarsawJohann Peter Titz
Jacques Oisel
Georg Wende
Stanisław Grzepski
Benders 2020Jos BendersHubertus Goltzius’ visits to coin collectors from Venlo. More trustworthy than assumed2020journalBrusselsHubert GoltziusEnglish
Burnett 2020Andrew M. BurnettQueen Elizabeth and the Twelve Caesars2020proceedingsNew YorkElizabeth I of EnglandEnglish
Burnett 2020aAndrew M. BurnettThe collection of Abraham Gorlaeus: the sources2020collective bookBrusselsAbraham van GoorleEnglish
Burnett 2020bAndrew M. BurnettThe Hidden Treasures of this Happy Land. A History of Numismatics in Britain from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment2020monographLondonEnglish
Burnett 2020cAndrew M. BurnettAscham, Coins, Cambridge and Beyond2020collective bookLeidenRoger AschamEnglish
Burnett 2020dAndrew M. BurnettNew light on two Roman hoards from Scotland and Ireland2020journalEnglish
Burnett 2021Andrew M. BurnettCoins and Winckelmann. Winckelmann and coin2021journalOxfordJoseph Eckhel
Barclay V. Head
Burnett 2022Andrew M. BurnettScientia rei numariae – Ars critica numaria – Doctrina numorum veterum: What Are the Models?2022proceedingsViennaJoseph EckhelEnglish
Callataÿ 2020François de CallataÿLambert Lombard (1505-1566), for whom the word “numismatics” may have been invented, and Roman coins2020collective bookBrusselsLambert LombardEnglish
Callataÿ 2020bFrançois de CallataÿA new look at the coinage in the name of Aesillas: coin circulation, ancient historiography, overstrikes and technical peculiarities (size of the dies, recut dies, graffiti, pierced coins, and modern counterfeits)2020journalAthensBernard de Montfaucon
Joseph Eckhel
Joseph Pellerin
Hubert Goltzius
Esprit-Marie Cousinéry
Nicola Francesco Haym
Siwart Haverkamp
Johannes Andreas Schmidt
Callataÿ 2020cFrançois de CallataÿD’Isis à la Nature et de la Nature à la Science via l’Artémis d’Ephèse: les riches métamorphoses d’une image sur les médailles (1677-1906)2020proceedingsToulouseFrench
Callataÿ 2021aFrançois de CallataÿA still life oil painted by Hendrik Vander Borght in 1650 with ancient coins from Dacia: a highly educated work and a political manifesto2021journalClujHendrik Van der Borght II
Hendrik Van der Borght I
Callataÿ 2021bFrançois de CallataÿSpintriae: a rich forgotten past historiography (16th-18th c.). Why it matters for our present understanding2021proceedingsBrusselsNicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
Sebastiano Erizzo
Jacopo Strada
Pirro Ligorio
Lorenz Beger
Charles-César Baudelot de Dairval
Charles Patin
Joseph Addison
Ezechiel Spanheim
Andrea Fulvio
Eucharius Gottlieb Rink
Johannes Huttich
Callataÿ 2021cFrançois de CallataÿCorrespondence about the coin market in Constantinople and Smyrna prior to 18002021festschriftNew YorkRichard AshtonEnglish
Callataÿ 2021dFrançois de CallataÿLes ‘médailles de Sainte-Hélène’ et l’expression ‘fleur de coin’. À propos d’une lettre de Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc2021journalBrusselsNicolas-Claude Fabri de PeirescFrench
Callataÿ 2021eFrançois de CallataÿLes armes du Béarn et de Navarre : à propos d’une curieuse manière d’identifier une monnaie de Dyrrachion par Pierre-Antoine de Rascas de Bagarris2021journalBrusselsPierre-Antoine de Rascas de BagarrisFrench
Callataÿ 2021fFrançois de CallataÿCleopatra as a strong woman in modern times: a less negative episode in a disfigured tradition?2021proceedingsMünsterEnglish
Callataÿ 2021gFrançois de CallataÿBernard de Montfaucon (1655-1741) et les monnaies antiques2021collective bookBordeauxAnselmo Maria Banduri
Bernard de Montfaucon
Guillaume-Pascal de Crassier
Callataÿ 2021hFrançois de CallataÿReview of A. M. Burnett, The Hidden Treasures of this Happy Land. A History of Numismatics in Britain from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment2021journalLondonAndrew M. BurnettEnglish
Callataÿ 2022François de Callataÿ'The Father of the Father’: The Decisive Role of Erasmus Frölich (1700–1758) in Viennese Numismatics and Beyond2022proceedingsViennaJoseph Eckhel
Erasmus Fröhlich
Callegari 2020Marco CallegariAbout books and coins. The letters of Charles Patin to Giulio Antonio Averoldi between 1679 and 16932020proceedingsNew YorkGiulio Antonio Averoldi
Charles Patin
Callegher 2020Bruno Callegher"… e non vi vien voglia di venir a veder tante gran cose delle quali son certo che ne resterete pago?". Fortunato Mandelli (1728-1797) : collections et correspondances numismatiques2020proceedingsNew YorkFortunato MandelliFrench
Cunnally 2022John CunnallyEckhel vs. Goltzius. The reception of Renaissance numismatics in the Doctrina2022proceedingsViennaJoseph Eckhel
Hubert Goltzius
Dall'Aglio 2020Stefano Dall'AglioThe great collector and his man in Rome: Leopoldo de Medici and his letters to Ottavio Falconieri, 1662-752020journalOxfordLeopoldo de' Medici
Ottavio Falconieri
Dekesel - Dekesel-De Ruyck 2022Christian Edmond Dekesel
Yvette Marguerite Mariette Dekesel-De Ruyck
The Unholy Relationship Between a Numismatic Scholar and a Wheeler Dealer: Joseph Eckhel, Pieter van Damme and the Peculiar Recueil des médailles des Rois2022proceedingsViennaJoseph Eckhel
Bernhard Woytek
Pieter van Damme
Doyen - Rambach 2020Hadrien Rambach
Jean-Marc Doyen
Concordia augg – Deux notes sur un aureus à bustes jumelés de Gallien et Salonine2020journalBrusselsCarlo TrivulzioFrench
Ehling 2022Kay Ehling„Eckhels fürtreffliches Werk“ – Goethe liest die Doctrina numorum veterum2022proceedingsViennaJoseph Eckhel
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Gierl 2022Martin GierlUmgemüntze Aufklärung. Die Numismatik im 18. Jahrhundert bis Eckhel2022proceedingsViennaJoseph EckhelGerman
Gigante - Burnett 2024Andrew M. Burnett
Federica Gigante
Casaubon on Arabic and Turkish Coins: a European Network2024journalNicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
Isaac Casaubon
Pierre-Antoine de Rascas de Bagarris
John Selden
Gołyźniak 2021Pawel GołyźniakFrom antiquarianism to proto-archaeology: Philipp von Stosch (1691-1757) and the study of engraved gems2021journalCambridgePhilipp von StoschEnglish
Gołyźniak 2023aPawel GołyźniakHieronymus Odam, engraved gems and antiquarianism2023journalStockholmPhilipp von Stosch
Hieronymus Odam
Gołyźniak 2023bPawel GołyźniakFrom Stosch through Carafa to Hamilton and the British Museum. Provenance and study of some Egyptian scarabs and Near Eastern cylinder seals in the eighteenth century2023journalOxfordPhilipp von Stosch
Johann Joachim Winckelmann
Guillemain 2022Jean GuillemainEckhel et la tradition jésuite. Les activités numismatiques dans la Compagnie de Jésus, du laboratoire lyonnais à la Doctrina numorum veterum2022proceedingsViennaJoseph Eckhel
Alexandre-Xavier Panel
Haarmann 2022Daniela HaarmannEckhel und seine Kollegen im k. k. Münzkabinett. Ein wissenssoziologischer Versuch2022proceedingsViennaJoseph Eckhel
Valentin Jamerey-Duval
Franz Neumann
Jean-Baptiste Vérot
Heenes - Jansen 2022Volker Heenes
Dirk Jacob Jansen
Jacopo Strada's Magnum Ac Novum Opus, A Sixteenth-Century Corpus of Ancient Numismatics2022monographPetersbergJacopo StradaEnglish
Heenes 2020Volker HeenesCopies of ancient coins and inventions all’antica in the work of Jacopo Strada2020journalBerlinHubert Goltzius
Enea Vico
Jacopo Strada
Pirro Ligorio
Giovanni da Cavino
Heenes 2021Volker Heenes[Die Combinations of] Unrelated Obverses and Reverses of Ancient Coins in Jacopo Strada’s Numismatic Works2021journalBerlinJacopo StradaGerman
Heenes 2022Volker HeenesEckhel’s Approach to Ancient Coinage in the Context of 18th-Century Research on Ancient Art (Montfaucon, Caylus, Winckelmann)2022proceedingsViennaBernard de Montfaucon
Joseph Eckhel
Anne-Claude de Caylus
Johann Joachim Winckelmann
Kagan 2022Jonathan KaganEckhel and Britain: a Slow Courtship2022proceedingsViennaJoseph EckhelEnglish
Madigan 2022Brian MadiganAndrea Fulvio’s Illustrium imagines and the Beginnings of Classical Archaeology2022monographLeidenAndrea FulvioEnglish
Mayer 2020Manuela MayerMonastic Antiquarianism in Austria and the République des Médailles2020proceedingsNew YorkJulius Carl Schläger
Georg Joseph Bockleth
Gottfried Bessel
Johann Michael Bockleth
Johann Christoph Olearius
Johann Christian Olearius
Anna Margaretha Schlegel
Missere Fontana 2022Federica Missere FontanaViaggiatori instancabili: Sestini critico di Eckhel2022proceedingsViennaJoseph Eckhel
Georg Zoëga
Esprit-Marie Cousinéry
Domenico Sestini
Franz Neumann
Mittag 2022Peter Franz MittagEckhels numismatisches Lehrbuch. Die Kurzgefassten Anfangsgründe zur alten Numismatik und ihre Übersetzungen2022proceedingsViennaJoseph EckhelGerman
Mitthof 2022Fritz MitthofDie Analyse eines siebenbürgischen Schatzfundes durch Abbé Eder im Jahr 1803: Goldstatere der bosporanischen Herrscher Pharnakes II. und Asandros in Vergesellschaftung mit solchen des Lysimachos-Typs2022proceedingsViennaJoseph Karl EderGerman
Molinari 2020Maria Cristina MolinariThe story of Francesco Gottifredi’s unpublished book2020proceedingsNew YorkFrancesco Gottifredi
Otto van Zijl
Christina of Sweden
Ottavio Falconieri
Pierre Séguin
Peter Fytton
Ezechiel Spanheim
Camillo Massimo
Nicolaas Heinsius
John Michael Ritt
Molinari 2022Maria Cristina MolinariDe numis urbium Italicarum ex aere gravi. Joseph Eckhel’s Treatise in the Context of the Studies of Giovan Battista Passeri, Cardinal de Zelada, and Cardinal Borgia2022proceedingsViennaJoseph Eckhel
Giovanni Battista Passeri
Stefano Borgia
Francesco Saverio de Zelada
Mulsow 2022Martin MulsowWie ordnet man die Antike? Das Programm einer Gesamtverzeichnung antiker Münzen von Lazius bis Eckhel2022proceedingsViennaAndreas Morell
Joseph Eckhel
Hubert Goltzius
Wolfgang Lazius
Napolitano 2020Maria Luisa NapolitanoAncient coins and the use of Greek history in Sicilia et Magna Graecia by Hubertus Gotlzius (1526-1583)2020collective bookLeidenHubert GoltziusEnglish
Pennestrì 2021Serafina PennestrìDalla biblioteca al museo. Il Nummophylaceum casanatense e l'eredità di Giovanni Battista Audiffredi2021journalRomeGiovanni Battista AudiffrediItalian
Pinault 2022Clément PinaultLa réforme monétaire de Persée : une liaison de coins problématique dans l'Europe des collectionneurs (IIe s. av. J.-C.-XVIIIe s. apr. J.-C.)2022journalParisCharles Frederick
Claude Gros de Boze
William Stukeley
Smart Lethieullier
Charles Godwyn
Rambach 2021Hadrien RambachCollectionner les monnaies : Michelet d’Ennery et le collectionnisme au XVIIIe siècle2021journalParisAbraham Michelet d'Ennery
Carlo Trivulzio
Rambach 2022Hadrien RambachÀ propos du grand collectionneur numismate Jacob de Wilde (1645-1721) et de ses dédicaces2022journalBrusselsJacob de WildeFrench
Rambach 2023Hadrien RambachPierre Boudon, un collectionneur numismate nîmois méconnu du XVIIIème siècle2023journalBruxellesJoseph Pellerin
Abraham Michelet d'Ennery
Jean-François Séguier
François-Xavier de Bon de Saint-Hilaire
Esprit-Claude-François Calvet
Léon Ménard
Pierre Boudon de Clairac
Charles-François de Calvière
Rambach 2023bHadrien RambachNotes biographiques sur Louis Savot2023journalBruxellesLouis SavotFrench
Rambach 2024Hadrien Rambach2024journalBruxellesFrench
Tassinari 2022Gabriella TassinariJoseph Eckhel e le gemme, antiche e 'moderne'2022proceedingsViennaJoseph EckhelItalian
Tomassoni 2021aRoberto TomassoniLa collezione numismatica di Apostolo Zeno2021phdVeniceApostolo ZenoItalian
Tomassoni 2021bRoberto TomassoniTwo gold medallions of the Apostolo Zeno Collection in the British Museum2021journalMünsterApostolo Zeno
Alessandro Albani
Louis de Blacas d'Aulps
Tomassoni 2022aRoberto TomassoniLorenzo Patarol: dall’erudizione numismatica all’amicizia con Apostolo Zeno2022proceedingsTriesteApostolo Zeno
Gian Domenico Bertoli
Lorenzo Patarol
Tomassoni 2022bRoberto TomassoniCultura antiquaria ed erudizione tra Venezia e Vienna nel Settecento. La collezione numismatica di Apostolo Zeno2022monographUdineApostolo Zeno
Gian Francesco Baldini
Gian Domenico Bertoli
Lorenzo Patarol
Viola 2020Corrado ViolaPer la rete epistolare di Benedetto Bacchini. Primo censimento, con qualche inedito2020proceedingsModenaBenedetto BacchiniItalian
Vocelka 2022Karl VocelkaEnlightened Scientific Research and Collecting. Vienna in the Second Half of the 18th Century2022proceedingsViennaEnglish
Williams 2020aDaniela WilliamsJoseph Eckhel (1737–1798) and the coin collection of Queen Christina of Sweden in Rome2020journalOxfordJoseph Eckhel
Christina of Sweden
Francesco Cameli
Giovanni Giacomo Monti
Williams 2020bDaniela WilliamsEarly modern casts of ancient coins. A preliminary study of a recently identified Visconti set2020collective bookViennaAlessandro Albani
Gaspare Carpegna
Christian Dehn
Filippo Aurelio Visconti
Williams 2021Daniela WilliamsThe Coins of Mysia in the Collection of the Archaeological Museum in Florence2021journalPisaPeter Fitton
Lorenzo de' Medici
Cosimo I de' Medici
Williams 2022Daniela WilliamsFrom the Collection to System: Eckhel in Italy (1772-1773) and the nummi veteres anecdoti (1775)2022proceedingsViennaJoseph EckhelEnglish
Williams 2022bDaniela WilliamsGiacomo Gradenigo, Joseph Eckhel and coin finds: the coinage of Issa, Pharos, Corcyra Melaina, Pale, and the so-called pegasi2022proceedingsTriesteJoseph Eckhel
Giacomo Gradenigo
Woytek - Williams 2020Daniela Williams
Bernhard Woytek
DIVI FILIVS. Early modern aurei of Octavian, a die used to strike them, and other related forgeries2020journalViennaJoseph Eckhel
Apostolo Zeno
Francesco Mezzabarba Birago
Charles Patin
Remigius Faesch
Johann Christoph Rasche
Pieter van Damme
Joseph Khell von Khellburg
Woytek - Williams 2022Daniela Williams
Bernhard Woytek
Ars critica numaria. Joseph Eckhel (1737-1798) and the Transformation of Ancient Numismatics2022proceedingsViennaFederica Missere Fontana
Maria Cristina Molinari
Joseph Eckhel
Georg Zoëga
Andrew M. Burnett
Jean Guillemain
Domenico Sestini
John Cunnally
Jonathan Kagan
Christian Edmond Dekesel
Volker Heenes
Yvette Marguerite Mariette Dekesel-De Ruyck
Martin Mulsow
Peter Franz Mittag
Daniela Haarmann
Gabriela Tassinari
Kay Ehling
Erasmus Fröhlich
Woytek 2022aBernhard WoytekThe Genesis of Eckhel's Doctrina numorum veterum and Georg Zoëga's Numismatic Papers2022proceedingsViennaJoseph Eckhel
Georg Zoëga
Woytek 2022bBernhard WoytekArs critica numaria and the Study of Ancient Coins in the 18th Century: A Short Introduction2022proceedingsViennaScipione Maffei
Joseph Eckhel
Paolo Pedrusi
Esprit-Marie Cousinéry
Charles Patin
Antonio Francesco Gori
Domenico Sestini
Johann Joachim Winckelmann
Christian Sigismund Liebe
Johann Christoph Rasche
Polycarpus Tentzel
Joseph Khell von Khellburg
Erasmus Fröhlich
Woytek 2022cBernhard WoytekSystems, Coin Hoards, Dies and Provenances: Eckhel and the Evolution of Numismatic Method2022proceedingsViennaJoseph Eckhel
Christian Gottlob Heyne
Johann Gottfried Lipsius
Zaccariotto 2021Giulia ZaccariottoDiscorso delle medaglie antiche: Collecting Ancient Coins and Detecting Fakes in Early Seventeenth-Century Rome2021journalEnglish

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