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LiteratureAuthorAuthor of the document.TitleTitel of the book.YearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.LanguageLanguage of the correspondence
Acciarino 2016Damiano AcciarinoAncient Roman Colonial Coins in Renaissance Europe2016journalNew YorkEnglish
Agricola 1533Georgius AgricolaLibri quinque De mensuris & ponderibus: In quibus pleraque à Budaeo & Portio parum animaduersa diligenter excutiuntur1533 JLmonographBaselGuillaume Budé
Leonardo Porto
Agricola 1550Georgius AgricolaDe mensuris & ponderibus Romanorum atque Graecorum Lib. V. De externis mensuris & ponderibus Lib. II. Ad ea, quae Andreas Alciatus denuo disputauit de mensuris & ponderibus, breuis defensio Lib. I. De mensuris, quibus interualla metimur Lib. I. De restituendis ponderibus atq(ue) mensuris Lib. I. De precio metallorum & monetis lib. III1550 JLmonographBaselAndrea AlciatiLatin
Bruce-Chwatt 1984Leonard J. Bruce-ChwattLudovicus Nonnius, M. D.,1553–16451984journalNew YorkLuis NunezEnglish
Budé 1557Guillaume BudéG. Budaei Operum tomus II. in quo de asse et partibus eius libri V. continentur, ad postremam authoris recognitionem accuratissime excusi: praemisso Indice rerum memorabilium non infœcundo1557 JLmonographBaselLatin
Burnett - Simpson - Thorpe 2017Andrew M. Burnett
Richard Simpson
Deborah Thorpe
Roman Coins, Money, and Society in Elizabethan England. Sir Thomas Smith's On the Wages of the Roman Footsoldier2017monographNew YorkSir Thomas SmithEnglish
Burnett 2018Andrew M. BurnettAn aureus of Allectus with a remarkable pedigree2018journalNew YorkEnglish
Burnett 2020Andrew M. BurnettQueen Elizabeth and the Twelve Caesars2020proceedingsNew YorkElizabeth I of EnglandEnglish
Callataÿ - Kagan 2017François de Callataÿ
Jonathan Kagan
A Neoclassical portrait of a classicist: Houdon’s bust of Jean-Jacques Barthélemy2017journalNew YorkJean-Jacques BarthélemyEnglish
Callataÿ 1999François de CallataÿAthéna pour Alexandre, Pégase pour Bucéphale : les aventures métalliques d'Alexandre le Grand à la Renaissance1999journalBaselFrench
Callataÿ 2015dFrançois de CallataÿA long-term view (15th-18th c.) on prices paid to acquire ancient coins2015festschriftNew YorkEnglish
Callataÿ 2021cFrançois de CallataÿCorrespondence about the coin market in Constantinople and Smyrna prior to 18002021festschriftNew YorkRichard AshtonEnglish
Callegari 2020Marco CallegariAbout books and coins. The letters of Charles Patin to Giulio Antonio Averoldi between 1679 and 16932020proceedingsNew YorkGiulio Antonio Averoldi
Charles Patin
Callegher 2020Bruno Callegher"… e non vi vien voglia di venir a veder tante gran cose delle quali son certo che ne resterete pago?". Fortunato Mandelli (1728-1797) : collections et correspondances numismatiques2020proceedingsNew YorkFortunato MandelliFrench
Casoli 2012Andrea CasoliAllerhandt Neüwen vnnd alte Münzen... Das Inventar B von 1648 und Remigius Faesch (1595-1667) als Münzsammler2012journalBaselRemigius FaeschGerman
Cunnally - Kagan - Scher 2001John Cunnally
Jonathan Kagan
Stephen K. Scher
Numismatics in the age of Grolier2001monographNew YorkJean GrolierEnglish
Cunnally 2016John CunnallyIrritamenta. Numismatic treasures of a Renaissance Collector2016monographNew YorkAndrea LoredanEnglish
Erasmus 1518Desiderius ErasmusEx Recognitione Des. Erasmi Roterodami C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Aelius Spartianus, Aelius Lampridius, Trebellius Pollio, Dion Cassius Nicaeus, Iulius Capitolinus, Vulcatius Gallicanus V. C., Flavius Vopiscus Syracusius1518 JLmonographBaselLatin
Frazer 1975Alfred FrazerA Numismatic Source for Michelangelo’s First design for the Tomb of Pope Julius II1975journalNew YorkMichelangelo BuonarrotiEnglish
Hoerschelmann 1991Suzanne von HoerschelmannBasilius Amerbach als Sammler und Kenner von antiken Münzen1991collective bookBaselBasilius AmerbachGerman
Hoerschelmann 1991bSuzanne von HoerschelmannMünzverzeichnis des Bonifacius Amerbach aus dem Jahre 1552 / Amerbachs Verzeichnis der geschenkten und getauschten Gegenstände 1579-15911991collective bookBaselBasilius Amerbach
Bonifacius Amerbach
Host 1580Matthaeus HostHistoriae rei nummariae veteris libri quinque, quae continet exquisitam nummorum veterum Romanorum, Graecorum, Hebraicorum et externorum inter se, et cum praecipuis nummis Germanicis collationem, cum indice copiosiore1580 JLmonographFrankfurt and den OderLatin
Jansen 1996Dirk Jacob JansenStrada, Jacopo1996dictionaryNew YorkJacopo StradaEnglish
Landolt 1991Elisabeth LandoltDas Amerbach-Kabinett und seine Inventare1991collective bookBaselBasilius AmerbachGerman
Lawrence 1883Richard Hoe LawrenceMedals by Giovanni Cavino, the Paduan1883journalNew YorkGiovanni da CavinoEnglish
Lazius 1551Wolfgang LaziusCommentariorum reipub. Romanae illius, in exteris prouincijs, bello acquisitis, constitutae, libri duodecim1551 JLmonographBaselLatin
Major 1908Emil MajorDas Fäschische Museum und die Fäschischen Inventare1908journalBaselSebastian FaeschGerman
Matzke 2011Michael Matzke«Une espèce d’Histoire métallique» – Münz- und Medaillensammlungen in Basel2011collective bookBaselRemigius Faesch
Basilius Amerbach
Sebastian Faesch
Mayer 2020Manuela MayerMonastic Antiquarianism in Austria and the République des Médailles2020proceedingsNew YorkJulius Carl Schläger
Georg Joseph Bockleth
Gottfried Bessel
Johann Michael Bockleth
Johann Christoph Olearius
Johann Christian Olearius
Anna Margaretha Schlegel
Molinari 2020Maria Cristina MolinariThe story of Francesco Gottifredi’s unpublished book2020proceedingsNew YorkFrancesco Gottifredi
Otto van Zijl
Christina of Sweden
Ottavio Falconieri
Pierre Séguin
Peter Fytton
Ezechiel Spanheim
Camillo Massimo
Nicolaas Heinsius
John Michael Ritt
Panvinio 1558bOnofrio PanvinioRomani principes1558 JLmonographBaselLatin
Patin 1675Charles PatinSuetonius. Opera quae exstant. Carolus Patinus notis and numismatibus illustravit suisque sumptibus edidit1675monographBaselLatin
Patin 1675bCharles PatinDe numismate antiquo Augusti et Platonis1675monographBaselLatin
Piggott 1985Stuart PiggottWilliam Stukeley: an Eighteenth-century Antiquary1985monographNew YorkWilliam StukeleyEnglish
Rambach 2008Hadrien RambachLa controverse Louis Savot - Charles Patin, numismates du XVIIème siècle2008journalBaselCharles Patin
Louis Savot
Rambach 2018aHadrien RambachNotes on a numismatic manuscript from the Trivulzio collection in the ANS Library2018journalNew YorkThomas ComptonEnglish
Rambach 2018bHadrien RambachConjectures upon the British and Saxon Coins etc. Notes on a Manuscript in the ANS Library2018journalNew YorkCarlo TrivulzioEnglish
Schärli 1986Beatrice SchärliMünzen und Medaillen aus dem Besitz des Erasmus1986collective bookBaselErasmusGerman
Schärli 2005Beatrice SchärliHistorisches Museum. Münzkabinett2005collective bookBaselRemigius Faesch
Sebastian Faesch
Socias Batet 2011Immaculada Socias BatetThe Power of Images in Antonio Augustínu's "Diálogos de Medallas inscriciones y otras antiguedades" (1587)2011journalNew YorkAntonio AgustinEnglish
Thüry 1983-1987Günther E. ThüryEin Pionier der antiken Numismatik: Johann Jakob Gessner (1707‒1787)1987journalBaselJohann Jakob GessnerGerman
Vergil 1534Polydore VergilPolydori Vergilii Urbinatis Anglicae historiae libri XXVI1534 JLmonographBaselLatin
Wickersham Crawford 1913James Pyle Wickersham CrawfordInedited Letters of Fulvio Orsini to Antonio Agustín1913journalNew YorkAntonio Agustin
Fulvio Orsini
Pirro Ligorio
Alessandro Farnese

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