'Yesterday Mr. Rolston, A.B. and Fellow of Merton College, delivered to me a Present from Dr. Richd Mead (to whom, by his
Mother, Mr. Rolston is Nephew), being a Qto stitcht thing, of 7 Sheets & an half, intit., Oratio Anniversaria Harveiana: in Theatro Regij Medicorum Londinensium Collegij habita, Ad Diem xviii Octobris, MDCCXXIII. Adjecta est Dissertatio de Nummis quibusdam a Smyrnceis in Medicorum honor em percussis. Londini ; apud S. Buckley, MDCCXXIV. The Oration is Dr. Mead's own, and is elegant, but the Dissertation is Mr. Edmund Chishulle's, formerly fellow of Corpus Xti, and is flat, dull, and heavy. The Coyns are made to be struck to the honour of Physicians, without proof. Yet my Friend, Dr. Mead himself, is of the same opinion in his Oration. I take them, after all, to be of the Στρατηγοὶ of the Smyrnaeans. We have Coyns with the Word Στρατηγός upon them, as also of the very magistrate's Name, & unless the word for a Physician were express'd on these Coyns, that are here taken to be to the honour of Physicians, I should much more readily ascribe them to the Magistrates.' (Hearne 1885, vol. 8, p. 286; Burnett 2020b, pp. 608, 1139)