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Thomas Hearne - 1705-08-05

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Thomas Hearne, 1705/08/05

Thomas Hearne - 1705-08-05
FINA IDUnique ID of the page  15319
InstitutionName of Institution.
InventoryInventory number.
PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.
AuthorAuthor of the document. Thomas Hearne
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation. John Selden, Simonds D’Ewes
Publication dateDate when the publication was issued: day - month - year . August 5, 1705
KeywordNumismatic Keywords  Numismatic Literature , Book , Authorship
LiteratureReference to literature. Sardi 15791, Selden 16752, Graevius 16993, Hearne 1885, vol. 1, p. 244, Burnett 2020b, p. 2815
LanguageLanguage of the correspondence English
External LinkLink to external information, e.g. Wikpedia 
Grand documentOriginal passage from the "Grand document".

'Anno 1674 was published in 4to. a Book De nummis under Mr. Selden’s name by Moses Pit. ‘Tis exactly ye same wth that wch goes under ye Name of Alexander Sardus, first published in 1579, and afterwards at Franckfurt in 12o. in 1609, and again in Graevius’s Thesaurus. We have ye Franckfurt Edition in Mr. Selden’s Library. So that it must be attributed to ye knavery of ye Bookseller, who has taken care to make no Alterations unless it be in ye Dedication for Alexander Sardus Augustino Musto Patricio Ferrariensi he puts Joannes Seldenus Sim. Dewes Equiti Aurato. And at ye end of it for Moguntiati Calend. Maij 1579 he puts ex Med. Tempi Calend. Maij 1642.' (Hearne 1885, vol. 1, p. 24; Burnett 2020b, p. 281)

Other entries for the same diary
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... further results


  1. ^  Sardi, Alessandro (1579), Liber de nummis. Mainz: Caspar Behem.
  2. ^  Selden, John (1675), Liber de Nummis, in quo antiqua pecunia romana et graeca metitur precio ejus, quae nunc est in usu, London
  3. ^  Graevius, Johann Georg (1699), Thesaurus græcarum antiquitatum. Volumen Octavum, apud Petrum Van der Aa, Leiden.
  4. ^  Hearne, Thomas (1885-1921) Remarks and Collections, Vols. I-XI, Oxford, Oxford Historical Society.
  5. ^  Burnett, Andrew M. (2020), The Hidden Treasures of this Happy Land. A History of Numismatics in Britain from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, BNS Special Publ. No 14 = RNS Special Publ. No 58, London, Spink & Son.